Amir Khan has confirmed that he and his estranged wife Faryal Makhdoom are still heading for a divorce, after Faryal seemed to hint the opposite, that they were reconciling. The professional boxer took to Twitter to clarify: "Thanks to Faryal for clearing up the accusations she had made about my family in the past which were false. Unfortunately it didn't work out between Me and Faryal and we are still going ahead with the divorce. We are in good talking terms." He added of their three-year-old child: "We have to think about our daughter Lamaisah who I will always be there for. I wish Faryal all the very best for the future."
Earlier this week, Faryal, 26, seemed to hint that she and Amir, 30, were back together. She wrote a lengthy post, also apologising to her in-laws about their public feud. Her apology tweet has since been deleted. Faryal, who is pregnant with her second child, had written that the past three months have been "very stressful for us as a couple, and a family".
Amir confirmed they are still divorcing
She wrote: "I now recognise that all this infighting between me and my in laws has had a terrible effect on my husband and I... and for that I would like to sincerely apologise. My mother and father in law are the elders of our family and as such deserve love and respect just as much as my own parents do. I've said things in the past out of anger... I didn't really mean and regret now."
She continued: "My daughter and unborn child do not deserve a broken home. That is why I have decided that it is time to put our differences behind us, and start afresh. All families go through hard times. It is unfortunate for us that our difficulties were played out so publicly. I also apologise for my part in that. We all make mistakes; we are only human after all."
The couple have a three-year-old daughter Lamaisah
The apology came almost a month after Faryal surprised her followers by announcing she is pregnant. She and Amir had a very public falling out on Twitter this summer, with Amir accusing fellow boxer Anthony Joshua of having an affair with Faryal, but he later withdrew the claims.