MTV’s reality series Laguna Beach focused on the personal lives of students from Laguna Beach High School. The show was led by seniors Lauren Conrad, Lo Bosworth, Stephen Colletti, Morgan Olsen, Trey Phillips and Christina Schuller, as well as juniors Kristin Cavallari and Talan Torriero. Season 2 saw the addition of Jason Wahler, Taylor Cole, Alex Murrel and Jessica Smith while the third season brought in a whole new cast consisting of Cameron Brinkman, Tessa Keller, Breanna Conrad, Lexie Contursi, Raquel Donatelli, Cami Edwards, Kelan Hurley, Chase Johnson and Kyndra Mayo.
At the time of its premiere, the series faced backlash from the Parents Television Council (PTC) for its explicit and profane content and for not including content indicators for such material.
Laguna Beach aired for three seasons from 2004 to 2006, with many of the original stars later starring on The Hills from 2006 to 2010. Other short-lived spinoffs include The City, Audrina and Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County, the latter of which was canceled in 2008 after 12 episodes.