Steve Batterson Dies after Short illness , Quad-City Times sport reporter

An Iowa sports reporter passed away Tuesday afternoon.

Steve Batterson, who covered Iowa sports for over three decades, died after dealing with some health problems.

He covered numerous sports for the Iowa Hawkeyes, the most recent of which was baseball. His coverage was so good that many current sports journalists in the state credit him for kickstarting their careers.

On social media, fans and writers have begun sending in their condolences to Batterson and his family.

On social media, fans and writers have begun sending in their condolences to Batterson and his family.

“Not much more I can add to what Matt said. I looked up to Batts. He could cover anything and do it so well. Like him, I have a passion for minor-league baseball and tried to emulate what he did. Such a good man, a kind man. I will miss him greatly. This is a terrible loss,” another tweet read

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